What is biathlon?

Biathlon is a sport that combines the endurance of free-technique cross-country skiing with precision small-bore rifle marksmanship. You can find a more detailed description of the two-discipline sport and its history on Wikipedia.

How do I get started?

If your interest lies in the summer version of biathlon, simply sign up for a race! Summer races generally include a safety briefing and orientation before the race, and provide a good introduction to the sport. If you'd like to try some winter biathlons, the first thing to do is to attend a safety certification clinic. Until you do this, you can't use a .22 rifle in a USBA event. Membership in the USBA provides racers with extra liability insurance, if they desire it.

What kind of rifles and skis are used in biathlon?

Although most competitors will use the skating technique, either classic or skating techniques are allowed. Biathletes use .22 caliber rimfire rifles with peep sights. The rifle magazine may hold no more than five rounds, and ammunition must be standard velocity. Detailed requirements for skis and rifles may be found in the IBU Materials Catalog IBU Materials Catalog, Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.6.

Do I need my own rifle?

No, you do not need to own a rifle. CBC owns several loaner rifles which are available for use at all CBC events (races and certification clinics). Depending on the event turnout, you will most likely be sharing a rifle with one or more other competitors. Ammunition is provided by CBC as well. Using a club rifle is a good option if you want to try one or two races before committing to a rifle purchase. Keep in mind that you must have attended a winter safety certification clinic before using one of the club rifles in a race.

I have a <insert manufacturer here> .22 rifle; can I use it for biathlon?

Maybe. See the rifle specifications in section 3.1.6 of the IBU Annex A to the Event and Competition Rules. In brief, the rifle must have a manual bolt, must not be of automatic or semi-automatic design, and have a maximum magazine size of 5 rounds. For purposes of our races, single-load rifles are fine (you'll just be slower on the range). If it's not possible to add a rail for a harness, then you can leave the rifle on the range when you're skiing.

If I've taken a hunter safety course, do I also need to attend your Safety Certification Clinic?

Yes, for insurance and liability reasons you will have to take the USBA safety course even if you've already taken a hunter safety course. Check the clinic schedule for dates and times for upcoming safety clinics.

What are the event distances and shooting bouts?

Events range from about 3 km to 20 km. Read the complete listing of categories and events for details.

Do you have events for novices?

Unless otherwise stated, novices are welcome at all of our events! Our local races are typically quite flexible in terms of adjusting race courses, whether the rifle is carried, etc., to accommodate various skill levels. Be sure to let the Competition Chief know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your participation in the event.

What is the minimum age to participate?

There is no minimum age. The competitor needs to be strong enough to navigate a course on some sort of Nordic skis (or by foot or mountain bike, in the summer) and to safely handle a rifle. Please see the safety certification clinic page for range supervision requirements for competitors under the age of 18. These requirements are in force any time the range is hot. All of our races at Snow Mountain Ranch include categories for competitors aged 12 and under, 13-16, and 17-21 in addition to the adult (age 22 and older) categories. Competitors aged 17-21 typically race the same courses as the over-21 age groups. CBC provides pellet rifles and ammunition for competitors 12 and under and for those older competitors who have not yet attended a winter safety certification clinic.

Competitors who will be at least 13 years of age by December 31 of the winter competition season may use a CBC .22 club rifle when racing, if they have attended a Safety Certification clinic.

Competitors who will be at least 11 years of age by December 31 of the winter competition season and have their own .22 rifle may use a .22 rifle when racing, if they have attended a Safety Certification clinic.

Where can I train?

CBC maintains a range at the YMCA of the Rockies Snow Mountain Ranch Nordic Center near Fraser, CO.

You must attend a USBA safety certification clinic, have a current USBA annual membership, and be a current member of Colorado Biathlon Club to use the range. Be sure to carry your proof of USBA safety certification with you when you use these facilities. A Snow Mountain Ranch Nordic Center trail pass (in the winter) or a YMCA day pass (in the summer) is required to access the range.

Your rifle must be in a case (unloaded and bolt open) when transporting it on YMCA property, including when skiing to/from the range. Never leave your rifle unattended.

Range rules:

Range procedures:

Please leave the range area cleaner than it was when you arrived.

On weekends, plan to arrive at the range either on the hour or half-hour to minimize range interruptions for other range users. Please communicate actively with other range users to ensure safety for everyone.

How do I get to the race venues?

Check this map to the Snow Mountain Ranch registration, range, and race areas. Download as: PDF | JPG

Where can I buy a rifle?



Where can I learn more about shooting?

What options are available for volunteering?

Even if you're just learning about the sport, there are several general areas in which you can help, depending on your interest and the amount of time you can spend at the event:

Contact the Competition Chief for the race dates you're interested in working. If you'd like to take on more of the race responsibilities, the next step is to serve as one of the Chiefs (Competition, Range, Timing).

What range etiquette do I need to observe on race day?

The procedure for zeroing your rifle is one of the primary differences between the training and racing environments. An established set of procedures can greatly increase the efficiency and success of everyone's zero, and smooth out the race organization in general. Here is a brief review of points to keep in mind while on the range during the pre-race zero period:

These tips originally appeared in the Summer 1998 Colorado Biathlon Club Newsletter

Why should I join CBC/pay membership dues?

By supporting CBC with your membership and dues, you help offset the cost of running the club and maintaining the ranges. Although we don't discount entry fees for CBC members, your CBC membership makes the range and race possible.

How can I find out the latest CBC/biathlon happenings?

How many of the letter "A" are in "biathlon"?

Many have tried to add an extra syllable by sneaking an extra "a" between the the "h" and the "l." There is, in fact, only one "a," and a total of three syllables. Learn to pronounce it here.